Sunday, October 5, 2014

WoT Assembly Line: October 2014 Edition

Can't believe it is October already!  After a short hiatus after the launch off ArcheAge and getting Stats Paralysis in control, I am back to playing tanks full time.  So lets get to it!

Tank Progression

E 50 (65.4%WR, 1931 WN8, 1st Class, 137k to go)
Had a great set of games lately that shows I am getting the hang of this tank.  While I was put off by the relative slowness of this tank, the gun is really top notch.  When it sings, its pure death from long range.  The armor has been a savior a few times.  I have yet to ram someone to death yet...

I swapped out binocs for Coated Optics.  I was finding myself in more mobile roles and not being able to use the full benefits of Binocs.

Equipment: Rammer, VStab and Coated Optics.

Centurion Mk. 1 (51.9%WR, 1864 WN8, Ace, 1 MoE, 66.5k to go)
Slowly getting back into the swing of this tank.  Better decision making on where to go on the map to make the most out of hull down positions and moving where I am going to pop up each time to cause the enemy to re-aim has a lot to so with it.  I'm hoping the upward trend continues so I can translate lessons learned into the Centurion 7/1 which is on the horizon.

I did manage to get my Ace Mastery badge during a drunken marathon gaming session ;)

Equipment: Rammer, VStab and Optics.

Caernarvon (60%WR, 2098 WN8, Ace, 76k to go)
With about 20 games in, I am getting used to this tank.  Essentially it plays very similar to the Centurion MK I.  It's a little tougher and it's a pain getting used to the slow speed of it.  Several times I get reminded what an arty magnet this thing is.  The hull armor is tragically bad forcing you into hull down positions.

Equipment: Rammer, VStab, Vents.

AT 15 (65%WR, 2158 WN8, 1st Class, 99.5k to go)
After 40+ games in, I am absolutely loving playing this TD.  The gun is just a thing of beauty.  The only downside is its slowness.  I am seriously thinking of getting the premium AT 15A.

With an aim time of 1.7 seconds, I am seriously considering dropping the GLD in favor of Vents to get an all around performance boost.

Equipment: Rammer, Binocs and GLD.

Crusader 5.5" SP (54.4%WR, 1422 WN8, 1st Class, 1 MoE, 25.5k to go)
Blah blah arty blah blah.  Air cancer is slowly moving along.  Over 100 games in, and it feels like an eternity to finish this grind.

Equipment: Rammer, GLD, Cammo.

T37 (37.2%WR, 1923 WN8, 1st Class, 1 MoE, 17k to go) - New!
Yep, bot level win rate!  So powah!  The T37 is one of the 'new' American scouts to hit the scene in patch 9.3.  In short, this is basically the old Chaffee.  Great gun with 150 pen that just loves to sling shells in rapid succession.  Its big downfall is its relatively big size and large turret which exposes the tank more than you would like when actively spotting.  While I have had quite a few pure tomato games, I am getting a better grip on what not to do and how to get the tank in better position to utilize the pew pew cannon.

While I am royally shitting the bed win rate wise, I am thoroughly enjoying the tank. This is one of the three scouts I picked up that are just plain fun to play and relax my concern regarding stats.  Here is a video of my 1st Class Mastery Badge.

Guess I needed to do 3k damage for Ace ;)

Equipment: Optics, Vents, Cammo.

VK16.02 Leopard (63.6%WR, 2458 WN8, Ace, 7k to go) - New!
By far the favorite of the new scouts to my line up!  While it feels a sluggish compared to the other scouts in my stable and the gun depression can be problematic, I absolutely love the gun! The 3cm M.K. 103 is pure joy to use.  With a pen of 95, its fairly easy to pen most every unit you will face if you get side or flanking shots and more than enough to pen any scout or mediums from any angle that is not auto bounce.  Its pretty easy to empty the entire clip in about a second and deliver all 360 points of damage.  Its only downside is the long reload time around 17 seconds.

If you play it smart and have friends behind you, its easy to make a flanking run, dump your clip and bait the enemy to follow you as you retreat to your friends.  I really will have to think about keeping this very very fun little bugger :)

Equipment: Binocs, Optics, Cammo.

MT-25 (59%WR, 1552 WN8, 1st Class, 58k to go) - New!
Zippy and fun to drive with the top engine, this scout take quite a while to get moving without it.  The gun pales in comparison to it's american counterpart.  Additionally it suffers from poor gun depression.  No two ways about it, this tank is pure scouting.  The gun is just too much of a pain to use hull down.  While it is still fun, the grind to get to the LTTB is going to feel longer than it really is.

Equipment: Binocs, Optics, Cammo.

NOTE:  All stats taken from VBAddict.Net.

Future Plans  

  • Keep on grinding to the FV4202.  Have the Centurion 7/1 by the end of the month.
  • Dailies toward the FV215b.  Get the 20 pound Type B Barrel gun before I get the Centurion 7/1 as the gun can be used on both tanks.
  • Dailies for the fun tanks, E50M and the FV215b(183).  
  • Finish off he T37 and get the M41 Bulldog.
  • Finish off the VK16.02 Leopard and get the VK28.01.
  • Dailies on the Brit arty...
  • GLD - Gun Laying Drive
  • MoE - Marks of Excellence
  • RPM - Rounds per minute

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