Tuesday, February 10, 2015

WoT Assembly Line: February 2015 Edition

It's been a looooong time since the last update.  Holidays and playoff/Superbowl weekends kept the drunken play going on the weekend as the struggling stats.  I have gotten a bit more light hearted about it all since I can't seem to stop playing after the bars and the lines I am playing are what I see as the dregs of the lines I have left.  No point in getting irritated by it anymore!

However with some recent happenings, it may be time to get back to stat minding and maybe putting the crappy tank lines on the back burner...

Tank Progression

Archer (57.1%WR, 1,577 WN8, Ace, Completed)
Another crazy Brit tank that drives faster backwards than forwards.  Accurate and great RoF.  It's just a pain to work around the backwards mechanic.  Started this TD when the new Brit TD line came out.  Not a bad vehicle but not outstanding.

Equipment: Rammer, Binocs, Cammo.

FV207 (43.5%WR, 1,366 WN8, 1st Class, 1 MoE, Completed)
FINISHED BITCHES!!!  Yeah, this was a long painful grind solo and managed to rebound the win rate from 38% but glad it's over.  The end of the line better be worth it by the time I get there...

Equipment: Rammer, GLD, Cammo.

VK 30.01 (P) (52.4%WR, 1,332 WN8, Ace, Completed)
The last medium on the way to the Maus.  Make no mistake, this is no heavy tank.  It is fairly slow and sluggish till you get the top end engine.  The L/56 gun was my preferred gun due to the high 220 alpha and still good pen at 132.  Had fun games in it but way too many tomato ones as well.

Equipment: Rammer, Vents, GLD.

Achilles (47.8%WR, 493 WN8, 3rd Class, 180k to go)
Definitely not your Hellcat.  I am quite simply playing this tank poorly.  It handles worse in every way to the Hellcat and I am being too aggressive with it.  Its hard to get out and run away from a bad situation.  The gun is great.  I just should be playing more passive and farther back till my cammo gets higher.

Equipment: Rammer, Cammo, Binocs

Projected Completion: March

Conqueror (50%WR, 1,100 WN8, 2nd Class, 180k to go)
Got the turret and gun upgrade and starting to work on the final push.  Several yolo drunk sessions cratered the win rate as well as the WN8.  That being said, I still don't have a grip on playing this heavy yet.  It really is a big ass slow medium...

Equipment: Rammer, Vents, VStab

Projected Completion: End of Spring

FV3805 (100%WR, 2,003 WN8, 2nd Class, 320k XP Left)
Dream opening over 7 games!  Yeah, it will go to shit sooner or later but it's a decent start.  Still have yet to get the big gun for her.  It's only a matter of time till the wheels fall off and I'm back to hating arty ;)

Equipment: Rammer, GLD, Vents.

Projected Completion: End of Summer.

Tortoise (51,65%WR,  1,125 WN8, 1st Class, 183k to go)
Upgraded the gun and started to work away on the final push.  The new gun definitely makes a difference and definitely aided in getting out of the mid 40s WR.  Still slow as molasses and have to figure out when to chill out and let a front fail because by the time you get there, it's gone anyway and now are out of position to use the withering fire of the gun to save the game.

Equipment: Rammer, Vents, Binos

Projected Completion: End of Spring.

NOTE:  All stats taken from VBAddict.Net.

Future Plans  

  • Evaluate time to spent in tanks; how much of it will be grinding tanks, organized play or just fucking around.  With a changes from just before the New Year, time in tanks will be less.  Also there are a bunch of other games out there that are fun.  Realistically, I am at the end game in WoT.  I have ground out most all of the serious CW tanks and have enough Xs that I could lock 3 a day and play every day in the week non stop.  I have played the high end of the game with Denial of Service when they were near their prime.  There really is no more left.
  • Decide on where to go clanwise based on the first bullet.  The current clan is going through traditional pains that come to all 'farm' clans but may not make it through it.  So do I go back to getting my stats up to join a first or second tier clan, hang out in another 'farm' clan, go to a casual clan or simply go it solo in the wild for a bit?

    Worse comes to worse, I'll go the latter till things sort themselves out.
  • Casually work on the Personal Campaigns.  They are kind of interesting but only in a passive sort of way.  I like to win games more than completing the missions but it's nice to get the extra rewards.  I would not mind getting a full crew of five female tankers just to say I accomplished it.
  • Dailies when I feel like it ;)
Well that's about it for the past two months!  Have fun and be safe out there ;)

  • Binocs - Binoculars
  • GLD - Gun Laying Drive
  • MoE - Marks of Excellence
  • Optics - Coated Optics
  • Rammer -  Gun Rammer
  • RoF - Rate of Fire
  • RPM - Rounds per minute
  • Vents - Ventillation

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