Tuesday, April 7, 2015

WoT Assembly Line: April 2015 Edition

WoT has been languishing as of late!  Quite simply, Pillars of Eternity has absorbed a large amount of time lately and has proven way more interesting in grinding the few lines I have left to complete.  I think my WoT malaise is very similar to that experienced from MMO players near the end of game content where the itch to go somewhere else for entertainment begins to grow.  I don’t think I will go play another ‘War Sim’ like War Thunder, Modern Warfare or World of Warships having spent so much time and money on WoT.  Who knows, I may have a change of heart for a little if WoT brings out their PvE content as well other items to broaden the game experience. 
For some reason the personal missions to get the reward tanks has not caught fire with me.  Perhaps it’s the platoon missions that bug me or some of the silly objectives like requiring a ram kill to complete, that just sort of set me off from them.  I’m still on the first ‘Campaign’ and not actively trying to get it done.  I do have to say though, the reward female crew seems very much worth it but most all of my keeper tanks are already manned with competent staff.

Well since last post, my old clan has gone on hiatus and I have been picked up by NARWL.  Unfortunately for my stats, I played 80% of my games half in the bag and only recently knocked that behavior off.  Looking at the last set of stats, things are turning around even with playing what I consider, subpar tanks.  Hopefully I get back into the grind and get back to doing dailies to keep everything progressing and off the plate.  If all goes well, I should have at least two more tier X’s in the garage and can focus on the remaining lines.

I have been enjoying several YouTuber’s as of late, so make sure you go check out AgingJedi_Oake, Jingles and QuickyBaby!

Tank Progression

Achilles - VI (53.85%WR, 1,091 WN8, 2nd Class, Completed)
All in all not a horrible TD.  It would benefit greatly from not having to drive backwards and make it competitive with other TDs in it’s tier.  Once you realize that you need to play it as a camper and need to get the hell out of dodge when you think you are even close to being in their view range, you will do fine.  Positioning and the ability to relocate are its major weak points. 

That being said, I did poorly in this TD and the designer of the vehicle should be shot for making it go faster in reverse than forward…

Equipment: Rammer, Cammo, Binocs

Repurchase Chance: Nil.

Challenger - VII (60.0%WR, 1,098 WN8, 3rd Class, 120k to go)
Paper thin, maneuverable TD with a median top speed.  Gun is zippy with great depression and rate of fire.  It’s only downside being the alpha.  Pen seems adequate in the few matches I played.  I had enough free exp to fully upgrade the tank so I can't speak about the lower tier gun.

The tank cannot take a hit so it’s another sniper and hill abuser.

Equipment: Rammer, Binos, Vents.

Projected Completion: July.

Conqueror - IX (53.3%WR, 1,103 WN8, 2nd Class, 110k to go)
Nothing big to report here.  Still slow and weak on the armor front.  Games are either full tomato or grape.  Not really making any real skill progress save for winning slightly more.  I have no idea what I am doing wrong compared to how I was playing it on my alt account SarzanV2 where I had a 60.54WR. 

Have to keep reminding myself to play it like a support tank. Tempted to buy my way out of it.

Equipment: Rammer, Vents, VStab

Projected Completion: End of Spring – On track.

FV3805 –IX (65.2%WR, 1,458 WN8, 1st Class, 240k XP Left)
As you would expect, the undefeated streak had to end, but overall play has been great.  Over 90% of the games have been solo but have managed to keep a Unicum win rate with the first gun.  That being said I recently got the gun upgrade and am on the final grind.

It’s still arty and I will be happy when it’s done.

Equipment: Rammer, GLD, Vents.

Projected Completion: End of Summer – On track.

Tiger (P) – VII (43.4%WR,  1,334 WN8, 1st Class, 50k to go)
I am just not playing this tank to its capacity.  The gun is a bit shoddy due to its long aim time and poor vision of the tank which forces you into closer engagements.  The armor of the tank overall is good save for the turret which has a large copula and face armor that is unreliable.  The combination of the two are making it difficult for me to perform well and just can’t seem to figure it out.  Maybe I need to back up a bit and to some more snap shot play and some youtube vids might help demonstrate what I should be doing…

Equipment: Rammer, Vents, GLD

Projected Completion: End of Spring.

Tortoise – IX (53.3%WR,  1,125 WN8, 1st Class, 110k to go)
Slowly grinding it to the end.  Learning that this tank gets the most bang for the buck in mid to late game when you can wield your massive DPS and decent HPS against wounded enemies to turn the tide and win the game.  Armor is still very spotty and the mobility hampers it way too much.

I have thought about dumping gold to buy my way out of this grind as well.  It’s just not an exciting or fun TD to play.

Equipment: Rammer, Vents, Binos

Projected Completion: End of Spring.

NOTE:  All stats taken from VBAddict.Net.

Future Plans  

  • Get back to doing dailies.  Lines are not going to finish themselves and no point in prolonging the pain.
  • Put more of an effort into not playing wasted ;)  No reason I can’t just go to bed and play in the morning where I tend to play significantly better…  heh
  • Participate more in CWs and Strongholds Su-Th.  Not only for gold shares but to keep practice in the most utilized tanks.
  • Play the new French mediums on test to see if I like them and want to bother grinding them out.  So far I have heard nothing but good things from both the AMX 30 Proto and AMX 30B.
  • Casually work on the Personal Campaigns in a passive sort of way.  I would not mind getting a full crew of five female tankers for the new French medium line.
  • Work in a few premium tank grinds for cash.  With at least two Xs due by end of May, early June, plus a few tank upgrades up lines, I will need 8-10 million more credits to keep things moving.
  • Start looking at the few other lines I have left to grind. 
    • CW ready
      • T-62A: T-54 – Easy choice.  Only approx. 100 k or so to go and Soviet mediums are always in high demand.  Ill will be doing this casually in platoons only and it will eventually work itself out.  Unlike other tankers, I play with regular AP rounds and sling gold only when necessary just to keep my skills sharp.
      • IS-4: T-150 – Situational use.  Sometimes substituted for IS-7s.  Grind through KV-3 and KV-4 look somewhat painful.  ST-I is pretty awesome and a garage keeper like the E-75.
      • Obj 263: SU-100 -  Situational use.  Armor is somewhat decent but speed and DPM are deadly on some maps.  Sees less use than either of the other options.
    • “Fun”
      • Obj 430: A-43 – With so many other tankers having the 140 or 62A, this tank would see little use.  Not to mention by the time I have this tank, I will have both the 140 and 62A.
      • JPZ E100: JT – Meh, meh, meh.  Will never get used in CWs with so many other options available.  Slow, lumbering and will be penned at will with all the gold being slung in CWs.  It just can’t get anywhere to be effective.  Almost anything it can do the 215b (183) can do better.
    • Not going to happen
      • Any arty left…  Ugh… I think GWE is all I have left…
  • Continue logging in for the daily cash reward of 50k and occasional equipment.  Unfortunately, I missed a few days and won’t make it to get a free SU100Y but should make the 55 day mark and get all the free equiptment.
Well that's about it for March-April!


  • Binocs - Binoculars
  • DPM – Damage Per Minute
  • GLD - Gun Laying Drive
  • HPS - Hit or Health Points
  • MoE - Marks of Excellence
  • Optics - Coated Optics
  • Rammer -  Gun Rammer
  • RoF - Rate of Fire
  • RPM - Rounds per minute
  • Vents - Ventilation

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