Sunday, October 5, 2014

WoT Assembly Line: October 2014 Edition

Can't believe it is October already!  After a short hiatus after the launch off ArcheAge and getting Stats Paralysis in control, I am back to playing tanks full time.  So lets get to it!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

WoT Stats Paralysis: Lights to the Rescue!

For quite a few months now I have not been having as much fun as I could have by sweating stats and performance in an effort to stay a viable candidate for joining a clan.  That being said, my primary focus has been on the British medium and heavy lines to have them finished by the time they release their end of the line replacements.   The British lines are fairly challenging with few of those tanks are able to reliably carry a match.  Armor on the mediums and heavies are dodgy at best, needing to stay hull down to perform to any degree.  The TDs once you get to the AT-15 starts to shine and their arty till this point is pretty lack luster.  The E50 is making it slowly to the end by being part of the daily rotation.

All of this has kinda put a damper on things.  Until…