Wednesday, November 19, 2014

WoT Assembly Line: November 2014 Edition

November is past its halfway mark already!  Lots of lines made decent progress despite Shadow of Mordor and Beyond Earth releasing.  With the help of special events like scouts weekend and the Veteran's Day bonuses, a lot of progress has been made.  All that progress had its cost, most every stat took a hit (Thanks arty!).  All that being said, let’s see what progress was made since October!

Tank Progression

VK 16.02 (63.4%WR, 2501WN8, Completed)
Can’t say enough good things about this very fun to play tier V German scout.  I am happy I did not shit the bed on this tank and kept its win rate decent.  I highly recommend playing this tank and consider keeping it for fun play.  The shock value of the machine gun is amazing!

Equipment: Binocs, Optics, Cammo.

Repurchase Chance:  Are you kidding me?  I can’t bring myself to sell it!

VK 28.01 (50%WR, 1102WN8, Class, Completed)
This one is a mixed bag.  Granted I played it with the derp gun and rarely fired premium from its barrel.  Extremely effective anti scout but relegated to less impact roles once they were gone.  Completely crapped away the win rate in the final push.  I wonder how I would have done with the pew pew gun.  It partially fell victim to learning how to scout.

Equipment: Binocs, Optics, Vents.

Repurchase Chance: Nil.

Aufklarungspanzer Panther (63%WR, 1201WN8, Class, 54k to go)
Still have not managed to shit the bed yet in this scout yet and I have no idea why.  I think because it is much slower than the other two, I don't take as many risks as I don't have the same speed as my armor vibe going on.  As a result, I think I play more like a scout should be played, not balls to the wall all the time ;)

Equipment: Vents, Binocs, Optics.

E-50 (60.8%WR, 1963WN8, Class, 59k to go)
At the halfway point and still love playing this tank.  Had a bit of a bad streak lately and hope to turn it around to keep this tank in purple territory for win rate.  I may keep this tank at the end.  Like it much better than the T54.

Equipment: Optics, Rammer, VStab.

VK 30.01 (P) (33%WR, 149WN8, Class, 51k to go)
Got drunk one night and decided to start another grind ;)  Good news, a lot of the modules are already researched.  Turret seems tough, with a big honking mantlet.  Crew is +60% and is just going to be a long slow slog if I feel like it.  I'm thinking about grinding out the top engine since it is an upgrade for the next 3 tanks in the line.

Equipment:  Rammer, Vents, VStab.

AT 15 (56.7%WR, 1588WN8, 1st Class, 15k to go)
Poor performance on my part are killing me in this TD.  Still one of my favorite TDs in the game.  Gonna be sad to see it go but I am looking forward to the Tortoise.  I may pick up the AT 15A premium tank to keep the feel of this old gal around.

Equipment: Rammer, Binocs and GLD.

Caernarvon (53.2%WR, 1774WN8, Class, 21k to go)
Performance in this Brit heavy is way down from the start.  Introduction of tier X tanks into matches has thrown a major wrench into things.  Tank is still respectable hull down but I am finding the turret less reliable than I thought it would be.  Hull has been proving to be somewhat bounce worthy when the tank it top tier but for all other instances, hull down is the only way to go.  On the bright side, I am almost done with the grind and should be on to the Conqueror.

Equipment: Rammer, VStab, Vents.

Centurion Mk I (51.6%WR, 1955WN8, Class, Completed)
Despite getting a Mastery badge is this Brittish medium, I just never got the hang of it to make it into blue territory.  I managed to turn the win rate around but like normal, crapped away some of it at the end.  Hopefully I get a better clue with the 7/1 because for all intents and purposes, they perform similarly.

Equipment: Optics, Rammer, VStab.

Repurchase Chance: Nil.

Centurion 7/1 (55.7%WR, 1644WN8, Class, 37k to go)
Plays just like the Centurion Mk I but I am doing a little better.  Some of that may be getting the lessons of the Cent Mk I pounded in my head.  While some have made a big deal of the 20#er B barrel, I have had much better luck with the L1A1 gun.  I think this is due to the much higher pen and alpha that allows you to inflict damage more reliably with lower exposure.  Everything else is very similar to the Mk I.

I spent a huge amount of time over the Veteran’s Day event suicide grinding out exp on this tank.  As long as you ended up in the top 10, win or lose a battle, you got x2 experience.  That being said, I am on the last leg of the grind and weeks away from the FV4202.  There are rumors out there that there may be no free tank when they decide to swap it out and that the replacement will be sometime next year, there is no rush to finish the line.  I should have it completed by the end of the year through daily grinding.

Equipment:  Optics, Rammer, VStab.

Crusader 5.5 (51.7%WR, 1569WN8, Class, Completed) 
The pain is over.  A new one begins. Worst arty I have played, period.

Equipment: Rammer, GLD, Cammo.

Repurchase Chance: ROFL!

FV207 (35.4%WR, 1460WN8, Class, 129k to go)
This tank alone is responsible for my stats taking a major shit.  This is my tin cup tank just to get the daily done.  I am seriously thinking about stopping playing it for a while since I never play arty in CWs anymore.

Equipment: Rammer, GLD, Cammo.

MT-25 (57.5%WR, 1617WN8, Class, completed)
Speedy, fun tank to drive with a really bad gun depression.  You miss out on a lot of damage opportunities as even small terrain deformations get you off target.  Don’t hate the tank but glad it’s over.  Could have done better with 6th sense but have a long way to go.

Equipment: Binocs, Optics, Vents.

Repurchase Chance: Nil.

LTTB (48.7%WR, 1091WN8, Class, 48k to go)
Oh man, I love love love the speed of this tank.  I hate hate hate it’s gun.  Just like it’s predecessor the MT-25, modest terrain changes can shoot your sights above your target or force you to get into positions disadvantageous to get shots in.  Not having 6th Sense yet is killing me.  Right now, I am just driving the hell out of this baby for the fun of it.  Quite literally it reminds me of Tokyo Drift with all the power sides you can get this thing to do.

Equipment: Binos, Optics, Vents.

T37 (41%WR, 2038WN8, Class, Completed)
I never manage to turn this tank around.  As fun as it was to drive and zip around, it just never clicked.  I have decent WN8 but a shitty WR.  I never played the autoloader but after using one on the M41 I think I may have done slightly better.  Also, now with some more experience playing scouts, I might be able to win more while having fun zipping around.

Equipment: Optics, Vents, Cammo.

Repurchase Chance: If asked to for Campaigns/Strongholds/Campaigns, I’ll get it otherwise M41 is similar enough not to.

M41 Walker Bulldog (54.3%WR, 2043WN8, Class, 46k to go)
I am really starting to take a shine to this tank.  While its acceleration and speed is not as stellar as the LTTB it is not that far off.  Combine it with decent gun depression and a 10 shot 150 damage autoloader, it is a force to be reckoned with.  For a while I played with the top single shot gun due to better penetration and sustained DPS but the fact is, the clip allows you to throw a bunch of shells down range in the limited time you can see an enemy.  The long reload time is hardly an issue and there may have been one or two times it bit me.  This tank has my old Chafee crew in it and will be hard pressed to take them into the next progression in the line.  I would not be surprised to see it get a nerf in the future.

Equipment: Vents, Optics, Binocs.

M53/M55 (54.8%WR, 899WN8, Class, 20k to go)
Only playing this to get the top gun for use in CWs since the T92 has fallen out of favor for quite a few patches.  Figured I could do dailies in it and not waste free exp.  Overall one of my more favorite arties due to the turret but still have not gotten the hang of it.  Then again it is arty…

Equipment: Rammer, GLD, Vents.

NOTE:  All stats taken from VBAddict.Net.

Future Plans  

  • Focus on completing the Carn and AT 15 over the next few weeks to get going on the tier IX successors.  At a minimum, dailies will be done before all the others and extra games sprinkled in.  Most likely will be focused on over the weekend till the IX is achieved for both.
  • Continue doing dailies on the rest to continue the slow long slog.  With any luck, most of the scouts will be completed as well as the M53/M55.
  • Start looking at grinding credits in preparation for the holiday sales that come around Christmas.  Money will be tight with two IXs achievable in the next 2-3 weeks, a X and three VIIIs by the end of the year.  It will be hard to have money to upgrade units and enough to buy equipment at a 50% discount.  The scouts and the FV4202 may have to wait till much later.

  • Binocs - Binoculars
  • GLD - Gun Laying Drive
  • MoE - Marks of Excellence
  • Optics - Coated Optics
  • Rammer -  Gun Rammer
  • RPM - Rounds per minute
  • Vents - Ventillation

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